Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Child, Day 7- Friday

Friday we headed out on another field trip. This time to meet Jean Lesieur from France TV 24, it’s an all news cable channel. Ms. Lesieur is the executive producer for France TV. France TV itself was founded in 2006; it broadcasts in three languages simultaneously: French, English and Arabic. It prides itself on being able to look at international news from a French perspective and relay that perspective internationally.
 After our last seminar we had the entire day to sight see, so we hoped on the metro and traveled to Versailles the Palace of King Louis XIV. The splendor of the remodeled palace and the sheer size of the gardens was enough to knock me off my feet; I just sat down and enjoyed my view of the lush, finely trimmed shrubs and the mile long canal that stretches out behind the palace.  

To celebrate the concluding of our week abroad in Paris, most of our group joined our hosts at a cabaret, a very-well-to-do restaurant located in Montmartre that served a four course meal and entertained us with a dancing mime, Venetian “show girls”, and a beautiful singer. We danced, ate and drank our last night in Paris away. I have a sneaking suspicion only about five of us even remember that night. J


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