Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Child, Day 6 - Thursday

Thursday was a very momentous day indeed! I ate my first real French crepe with Mercedes! For anyone who doesn’t know what a crepe is, it’s a very flat pancake often served with some kind of fruit mix or sauce. But there can be ham and cheese or broccoli and cheese crepes as well. To me its French deliciousness!

Peter Barnet started off our lectures with “Confessions of a lifelong International Marketer.” Mr. Barnet is an associate professor at the AUP; he is also the former VP for international advertising at Young and Rubicam along with other global ad agencies. He explained to us the transitions of power between the manufacturer, the reseller and the consumer over three decades from 1875 to 2004. With each new decade a new invention of some form of media or another had in some way shifted the balance of power from group to group.

After lunch we got to take a little field trip to visit the Libération, which is a left wing news paper in. Paul Quinio, the deputy editor of the Libération, told us how the paper was founded, its rocky start and who it speaks to today.

At 3:30 p.m. we arrived at the home of John Morris who is now 94 years old. He is considered one of the leading photo news editors of the 20th century. He was the former head of  Magnum Agency, senior photo editor for Time Magazine, the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as the author of “Get the picture: A personal history of Photojournalism.” This seminar I believe was my favorite for two reasons, one I am a visual learner so his entire presentation was based on pictures either he took or one of his friends took that allowed me to follow more closely the story he told. And two, he talked about history (I love history!). A lifetime of pictures you could say.   

That evening we all went to see the Notre Dame and all of my childhood dreams of seeing where Quasimodo and the three talking gargoyles lived came true! Yes Disney freak here, don’t even challenge me to play Disney Scene it----you will lose. Such is my love for all things manipulated and reanimated. The cathedral was so beautiful with the vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows I was completely blown away.

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