Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Child, Day 1 – Saturday

Hi I’m Katie. I’ve never written a blog before so this will be fun and with luck not too boring. Happiness! One thing you’ll learn about me is that I’m funny or at least I think I am, so do me a favor and just grin and bear my sad attempts at humor. Speaking of putting up with craziness, I am writing my blog a little differently, because it’s my blog and I’m weird like that. Instead of having the first day be the last post you read, it will be the first post. So instead of this post being the last post you read, hey it’s the first, it’s what I like to call the intro!  Ok so we’ve established that I tell bad jokes and my blog is backwards, awesome we’re off to a great start.  (By the way Child is my last name, I’m not some kid impersonating an adult, I get that a lot.)

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